7 Places Where You Brought the Bible
Your love and support brought God’s Word to People Around the World

1. The Markets of Uganda
Your love and support brought God’s Word to a colorful marketplace outside of Uganda’s capital city of Kampala. New Bibles were provided to people who had never owned their own Bible before. These joyous Bible recipients asked our Bible Society partners in Uganda to pass along an important message to you: “Send our big, heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the people who remembered us!”
2. The Printed Page
For the Military Community
The Warfighter’s Study Bible helps U.S. Military members and Veterans engage daily with Scripture, giving them strength and encouragement from God to face their unique challenges. Drawing from the special customs, language, and imagery of our brave Military community, this Bible features reading plans, helpful explanations, and tailored topical articles from 18 experienced authors.
For Students of American History
Launched in tandem with the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center in Philadelphia, the Faith and Liberty Bible offers 813 articles and quotations from people in American history who have drawn on the Bible in their work and writings. Each piece is annotated and reviewed by a team of scholars and placed near a biblical passage it quotes. It will help readers discover new depths to history as they uncover the significant influence of the Bible on the American experience.
For People in Crisis
Written for adults who have completed American Bible Society’s core Bible-based trauma healing curriculum, a new resource called Strength from Weakness: Growing through Suffering helps people who have experienced trauma go even deeper in their journey of healing. This curriculum gives small groups more opportunities to encounter the Bible’s wisdom about daily life. Topics include breaking the cycle of trauma, distinguishing shame from guilt, having difficult conversations, and finding purpose in life.
Tens of thousands of people were evacuated from their homes when a devastating wildfire tore through Boulder, Colorado at the end of 2021. Thanks to your faithful support, the comforting balm of God’s Word was present as American Bible Society’s very own Scott Ross, a fire chaplain, was on the scene to fight the flames and distribute Bibles and disaster relief Scripture booklets to local churches.
3. The Blaze in Colorado
“I want to serve those who serve,” Ross says, echoing your own heart for our brave first responders. “They risk their lives every day, and if I can be just one part of their spiritual well-being, then I want to do that.”
Your support of Hero Squad, one of the fastest-growing programs of our Armed Services Ministry, provides U.S. Military children and their parents with quarterly care packages filled with devotionals, gifts, and activities. The first box always includes a Bible for each child as well as one for their parents, equipping them with their most important lifeline as they navigate Military life.
4. The Homes of Military Families
Our goal this year was to enroll 13,550 Military and family members by the end of June. Thanks to your love for these brave heroes, we easily reached this goal six months ahead of schedule! But thousands of heroes are still waiting for a partner to sponsor their family.
More than 250,000 people, mostly residing in Burkina Faso, speak the language of San. And now, thanks to your generous support, the entire San-speaking church—Protestant and Catholic alike—has access to the full Bible in its heart language. This newly translated Bible is a precious comfort for a community that has been ravaged by Islamist attacks in recent months.
5. The Church in Burkina Faso
“This Bible is a magnificent and vital treasure,” says one San- speaking church leader, who is thankful for your prayers and support. “From now on, God will speak to us in San!”
You are sharing the love of Jesus with boys and girls in orphanages in Sri Lanka. These young people have experienced much rejection, abuse, and neglect in their lives. But through a recent Bible-based trauma healing camp, these precious children were able to learn about the love of their heavenly Father, as well as pour out their hearts to God in a safe and caring small group environment.
“They told us a story of forgiveness and love!” That’s what one little girl said after visiting Bible Society of Jordan’s station at Amman International Bookfair, the largest book fair in their country. Our partners in Jordan were the only Christian vendor at the fair, which hosts 360 publishers and over 100,000 visitors every year. Thank you for helping our faithful ministry partners ensure that the message of the Bible is easily accessible to everyone in the country of Jordan.
6. Orphanages in Sri Lanka
You are sharing the love of Jesus with boys and girls in orphanages in Sri Lanka. These young people have experienced much rejection, abuse, and neglect in their lives. But through a recent Bible-based trauma healing camp, these precious children were able to learn about the love of their heavenly Father, as well as pour out their hearts to God in a safe and caring small group environment.
7. A Book Fair in Jordan
“They told us a story of forgiveness and love!” That’s what one little girl said after visiting Bible Society of Jordan’s station at Amman International Bookfair, the largest book fair in their country. Our partners in Jordan were the only Christian vendor at the fair, which hosts 360 publishers and over 100,000 visitors every year. Thank you for helping our faithful ministry partners ensure that the message of the Bible is easily accessible to everyone in the country of Jordan.
Thanks to the support of our faithful financial partners, American Bible Society has been engaging people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for more than 200 years.
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