Chinese believers relied on God’s Word in lockdown
During the COVID-19 outbreak, Chinese Christians found hope in the Bible
When the Coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, millions of people throughout the country were suddenly confined to their homes — unable to go to work, school, or church. One woman spoke for many when she said, “I started crying daily.”
As lockdowns spread across China, so did feelings of fear, isolation, and desperation. But because of the faithful generosity of our financial partners, many of those confined to their homes had the Bible to turn to for strength and hope.
Now, with life in China beginning to return to normal, the story of our supporters’ impact can be told. A believer from Sichuan Province reports, “During this time of isolation, I read the Bible without stopping for 10 days and I could not stop reading about God’s forgiveness and love for me. Now I want to spend the rest of my life reading the Bible.”
With church meetings shut down, many Chinese Christians have spent more time than ever seeking assurance and hope in the Bibles our partners helped provide. One believer shared, “We were often too busy to spend time with God prior to this crisis. Now we are taking this time to do more reflection and praying to God.”
Because of our faithful supporters, pastors across China can say, as one did, “Many who were lukewarm in their faith are now getting on their knees to call out to God,” and we are so grateful!
Thanks to the support of our faithful financial partners, American Bible Society has been engaging people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for more than 200 years.
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