The Bibles you help provide are reaching remote tribes in the Amazon River region.

Throughout the Amazon River region, dozens of smaller rivers and streams can be found supporting tens of thousands of remote communities. Many of these people live in deep poverty. They are isolated from the outside world and from other tribes.

As you can imagine, the arrival of a Bible Society boat is quite an occasion. For Leticia*, it was life-changing! After losing several of her family members to illness — and nearly losing her husband as well — Leticia was at a low point in her life. She recalls, “I felt very isolated and sad on a daily basis.”

The Light of the Amazon boat travels up and down the Amazon River to some of the most remote villages. It has a large auditorium to show the JESUS Film and carries audio Bibles, print Bibles, Scripture resources, food, medicine, volunteers, and even some doctors.

When Leticia heard that the boat was coming, she was thrilled. “I really needed to know more about Jesus,” she explains. After watching the film, she said, “I cried a lot watching Jesus suffer so much for me, such a sinner that I am.” She surrendered her life to Jesus afterward.

Leticia soon began listening to the audio Bible she received, which impressed and thrilled her for being solar powered since her village has no electricity. With a new print Bible in hand, she says, “I am so happy to have a Bible with large print because I can’t see very well. For me, the Bible is my safe haven where I feel at peace and take refuge. It is like having a life-manual in the house.”

Thank you for helping to deliver God’s Word to unreached people in their heart language so they can experience the life-changing Gospel message of Jesus Christ!

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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