You’re helping provide urgently needed bibles and bible study tools for poor Chinese seminary students, lay preachers, and pastors.

The vision Yuseng* experienced at church camp when he was 18 changed his life. As he describes it, “A man was holding a torch, about to burn my mouth. He said to me, ‘From now on, use this mouth to speak only God’s Words and not filthy language.’ I screamed, woke up ... and felt convicted to preach the Word.”

A few years later, Yuseng began serving as a lay preacher in his church and was encouraged to attend Bible school to be better equipped. As a father of three, he wasn’t sure how he could afford the training and study materials. He and his fellow classmates were overjoyed when they received Chinese Study Bibles, the Gospel of John Commentary Series, and many other valuable Scripture study resources — because of the generosity of faithful friends like you.

Thank you for helping to bless Chinese seminary students, as well as lay preachers and pastors, with the Bibles and Bible study tools they so urgently need! Many are from poor rural villages, and your generosity helps prepare them to share Scriptural truths effectively and accurately with their congregations so that more people can grow in their faith.

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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