Thanks to you, God’s Word is comforting those who mourn.

In the rural region of Zimbabwe where Malaika* lives, extreme poverty is common. When her husband passed away, Malaika was left with nothing, forcing her to find employment to keep her children fed, clothed, and enrolled in school.

Malaika began selling some of her garden vegetables at the local street market. When members of the local Bible Society visited the market to share audio Bibles and Scripture resources, Malaika was overjoyed.

She immediately began listening to God’s Word in Shona, her heart language. Before long, other women selling their produce in the market began listening along with her. “It’s healing not only to me, but to other women I sell with,” Malaika shares. “Our bond has developed, and we encourage each other through the Word. It has strengthened me personally. Peace and joy has engulfed my family, and I don’t weep as much.”

Through your faithful support, you’re helping people like Malaika discover the comfort and strength of God’s Word even in the midst of great suffering.

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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