Scripture Soothes a Hurting Teenager’s Heart in Cambodia
Excited to have her own Bible, a 15-year-old learns more about God

Doeun Chin Lan has experienced a lot of loss.
“My mother died when I was little,” explains the 15-year-old. “I don’t even remember her face. All my older siblings left me to work in Thailand. My father is very elderly and poor.…I want to see my whole family together again.”
When the message of God’s love came to the small village where Doeun lives, her heart finally began to heal.
“I am very happy that God loves me,” she says. “Whether I am in the countryside, in the forest or anywhere, God still loves me.”
Doeun says she enjoys hearing stories about God at church. “But sometimes I don’t understand,” she admits. “When I heard they were going to give out Bibles, I was very happy.”
“My Bible is small and easy to carry around and the writing is easy to understand. I believe this Bible will help me know God better. My father can’t read so I want to read to him so that he can also put his faith in God.”
For many Cambodians, especially poor farmers living in rural areas, obtaining a Bible requires much sacrifice. It takes months to save money for a Bible. But thanks to American Bible Society financial partners, Doeun and others have Bibles of their very own!
Please pray for others like Doeun who still need to know about God and engage in His Word in Cambodia. Ask that Scriptures will be made available in different media so that the entire population, especially the youth, will understand and experience the love of God.
Thanks to the support of our faithful financial partners, American Bible Society has been engaging people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for more than 200 years.
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