“The JESUS Film, the audio Bible listening group, and the Bible I received restored my life completely.” — Kodjo*

In the past two years, over 600,000 people worldwide have committed their lives to Jesus through the End-to-End outreach. It is proving to be a highly effective way of bringing people into the Kingdom of God through the Word of God.

Kodjo was surprised when the Bible Society arrived to show the JESUS Film in his village in northern Togo. He had only
attended church to please his mother in the past, but after watching the movie, he shares, “I made the decision to hand my life completely to the Lord.”

After attending the listening groups, Kodjo was thrilled to receive a printed Bible in his heart language, calling it, “the
most important gift in my lifetime.” Eventually, Kodjo began pastoring a new church in his village. He uses the audio Bibles provided by friends like you to lead others to Jesus and disciple new believers.

The End-to-End Outreach

• Show the JESUS Film

• Begin audio Bible listening groups

• Help provide Bibles in heart languages

The End-to-End outreach is a highly effective way of bringing people into the Kingdom of God through the Word of God.

Due to your faithful giving, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide are receiving God’s Word in their heart language,
committing their lives to Christ, and growing in their faith. Thank you!

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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