The Heart of Christmas: What Language Will You Use?

Communicate God’s Message with Simple Words of Love

As a new believer, Pedro was on fire—but very frustrated. He longed to connect with God in his native Mayan dialect, but the local pastors all preached in Spanish, even though they were Mayan themselves. They had received their seminary education in Spanish, and that was seen as the proper language for ministry.

Pedro tried to convince them to use the common language of the people, but they resisted. Then one day he saw a photo on a pastor’s desk and came up with the perfect question: “What language did you use to propose to your wife?”

Of course, it was their Mayan heart-language.

There’s a lesson here for all of us who communicate God’s message. It’s easy to get trapped in fancy language—in words that make us sound like the well-educated leaders we are. But how do we reach the hearts of our hearers? How can we bring God’s loving proposal to them?

This week we are celebrating the birth of Christ, who chose not to cling to his divine privileges, but poured himself out, taking human form (Philippians 2:6-7). God loved us so much that he sent his Son—not to impress us, but to draw us into a life-giving relationship (John 3:16). To woo us, you might say.

And as God made his proposal on that first Christmas, he used the language of shepherds and travelers, flocks and feed bin and “no vacancy.” Angels, yes, and a shining star, but also some wandering scholars, a confused stepfather and a young mom who pondered it all in her heart.

What language will you use to share God’s proposal this Christmas with the people who need to hear it? The language of spectacle and high production values? The language of your hard-won seminary degree? The language that dazzles and sets you apart as a top-notch communicator?

Or the simple language that woos and wins by speaking to the heart?

All of us at American Bible Society wish you a joy-filled Christmas. May it be a time of wonder, new commitment and transformation for you and those you lead.

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