2015: Look At God’s Faithfulness

A year-end reflection from President & CEO of American Bible Society Roy Peterson

Dear Friends,

In Psalm 9:1, we find a beautiful declaration of thanksgiving: “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done.”

I’ve found that the end of each year is an excellent time to follow the Psalmist’s example—to look back over the past 12 months and recount all the wonderful things the Lord has done.

As we near the end of 2015, American Bible Society has much to be thankful for. Through the generosity of our financial partners, God has done some amazing things in our midst. Here are just a few highlights of how Jesus has transformed hearts and minds through his Word in 2015:

1. Bible translators in Zambia completed two record-breaking projects.
Thanks to accelerated Bible translation techniques, New Testaments in the Nsenga and Ila languages were completed in an amazing three-and-a-half years. In 2005, translation projects like this would have taken twice as long to complete.

2. China’s Amity Foundation celebrated its 30th anniversary.
In 1985, ministry partners from around the world joined forces to meet the growing demand for Bibles in China. Through Amity Printing Company, Amity Foundation has printed more than 140 million Bibles—70 million for Mainland China and 70 million for people abroad.

3. Pope Francis’ visit to the United States sparked Bible engagement around the world.
During the 2015 World Meeting of Families, American Bible Society ran a multimedia Scripture engagement campaign in conjunction with Pope Francis’ visit to Philadelphia. American Bible Society financial partners made it possible to deliver more than half a million Gospel of Luke portions to Catholic parishes across five continents.

4. Bibles continued to ignite spiritual revival in Cuba.
As trade relations between Cuba and the United States have improved in the last year, tens of thousands of Bibles have poured into the small, communist country. During 2015, American Bible Society’s “Million Bible Mission” continued to strengthen the Cuban church with the Word of God.

5. Media-based trauma healing programs launched in East Africa.
Building on its story-based trauma healing program for oral cultures, American Bible Society worked with its partners in Africa to launch audio trauma healing programs for broadcast via radio and for listening on mobile phones. From Liberia to Kenya, millions of people will soon be able to connect with the healing power of God’s Word in a brand new way.

6. American Bible Society relocated to the heart of historic Philadelphia.
In October, American Bible Society officially opened the doors of its new headquarters in Philadelphia, PA. Strategically situated among our nation’s most historic landmarks like Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, the new location positions American Bible Society to reach millions of people with the life-changing message of God’s Word.

As we thank God for all he did in 2015, I want to personally thank you for your service, your partnership, and your passion for the Bible cause. And as you look ahead to 2016, please keep American Bible Society in your prayers. Pray that Jesus would be glorified through the power of his Word, and that people everywhere would be forever changed by his love.

Serving Together,

Roy Peterson

President & CEO, American Bible Society

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