3 Powerful Truths About Sharing the Gospel

These three Scripture verses encourage you to share your hope

Imagine hearing the greatest, most epic, most beautiful story ever told—a story so powerful that it’s literally life-changing.

Then, imagine being told to go out into the world and retell that story to other people who may or may not care to hear it.

For years, that’s how I felt about sharing the gospel.

It seemed like there was no way that I could do the gospel justice. I’d trip over my words. I’d get distracted trying to explain important theological caveats. I’d spend what felt like hours flipping through my Bible, apologizing and saying repeatedly, “I know that verse is in here somewhere.”

I didn’t think I could make people see how truly wonderful the gospel is.

If you feel the same way and need some encouragement, look no further than the people Jesus originally chose to carry his message throughout the world. The disciples were no shining group of saints. Instead, they struggled with jealousy, prejudice, anger, and pride—just like you and me. They failed to understand Jesus’s message for much of his ministry. They doubted and argued. They even abandoned Jesus on the night of his death.

Yet these were the people Jesus gathered and charged to carry the gospel to the whole world:

He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.” Mark 16:15 GNT

If you look in your Bible, there’s no footnote about how the disciples’ personalities, good works, or theological knowledge would convince people about the gospel. Instead, Jesus simply commands them to go and preach the gospel, trusting that God’s Word would not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

Today, we’re still called to share the gospel with our family, friends, and neighbors. Here are three truths to encourage you as you share God’s message of love.

You are the messenger God uses to bring good news to others.

How can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:15 GNT

God could have picked a different way to spread the gospel. But the Bible tells us that he chose to entrust the good news of Jesus Christ to believers like you and me! Now, we can participate in God’s work by sharing the gospel with others. When you feel doubt about your ability to convince people to believe the good news, remember that God changes hearts. All he asks is that we faithfully share the good news with the people around us as his messengers.

You are called to share your hope with gentleness and respect.

Be ready at all times to answer anyone who asks you to explain the hope you have in you, but do it with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15b-16a GNT

In our modern culture, we can see examples of disagreement and division in almost every area of our lives. Many Christians might be afraid that talking about the gospel could only widen rifts between friends and neighbors. However, the Bible reminds us that we should share our faith with gentleness and respect. There are countless ways to proclaim the good news with others without falling into our culture’s pattern of endless arguments. In fact, inviting others to have engaging, respectful conversations about what they think of Jesus could encourage them to keep coming back for more.

Your witness is not just your words.

In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 GNT

Many times, people remember your actions instead of your words. That’s why Scripture calls us to be living witnesses for the gospel, following Jesus’s teaching and example in everything we think, say, and do. When we live a life that proclaims the gospel, people around us can’t help but see the light of Jesus shining in us. Often, this is our best witness, and the reason people begin asking us to tell them more about our hope.

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