God’s Word in a Warzone

How Ukrainian Bible Society is Sharing the Bible Amid War

The air in Kyiv is heavy. Black smoke billows from the smoldering ruins of a children’s hospital. Bursts of gunfire ring throughout the city, punctuated by explosions. Air raid sirens wail constantly. The streets are littered with chunks of concrete; some are stained with blood. This is the grim reality of war—difficult for us to look at or name. For our friends at Ukrainian Bible Society, ghastly scenes like these have become a daily reality.

In Ukraine, the warzone is their mission field. And amid all this tragedy and trauma, Ukrainian Bible Society is sharing hope by distributing Scripture resources and humanitarian aid.

How are they managing such a miracle in the present chaos?

First, their courageous effort depends on prayer. Your faithful prayers sustain our friends in Ukraine, and they are emboldened knowing their brothers and sisters around the world are interceding on their behalf. One Ukrainian pastor told us, “We ask everyone who is able to pray—please pray for us. Pray for Ukraine. Pray that lives are spared, as well as our bodies and souls. And I believe that common prayer is the most powerful weapon that we can overcome the enemy with today.” Your prayers are powerful. Thank you for seeking God’s mercy for the people of Ukraine—especially the brave men and women risking their lives to bring the hope of God’s Word to people who desperately need it.

Another crucial element in Ukraine’s Bible-sharing strategy is its partnership with United Bible Societies. United Bible Societies is a worldwide network of Bible Societies working in more than 240 countries and territories to ensure everyone can access and engage the Bible. Currently in Ukraine and surrounding nations, Bible Societies are providing on-the-ground resources and connections through a vast network of local churches, ministries, and volunteers. And Bible Societies around the world, like American Bible Society, are helping to mobilize resources for Ukraine. These resources—Bibles, food, clothing, and medicine—are brought into Ukraine by train and distributed through Ukrainian Bible Society staff and volunteers.

On the ground, some have taken to calling Ukrainian Bible Society staff “the Angels of Kyiv.” They work tirelessly to bring desperately needed aid to hospitals, bomb shelters, orphanages, and homes for the elderly. “People are scared and depressed,” reports Ukrainian Bible Society’s Deputy General Secretary, “and these acts of kindness make a powerful impact on their hearts.”

As the war in Ukraine has intensified, thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. Through its extensive network of church partners, Ukrainian Bible Society has been helping displaced Ukrainians get to safer regions, showing Christ’s love in real-time. Many refugees are also seeking sanctuary in the churches of neighboring countries. By God’s grace, churches throughout central and eastern Europe have been working together to coordinate relief efforts for refugees and others whose lives have been torn apart by the horrors of war. In this unified response to crisis, Ukrainian Bible Society plays a central role in moving aid to the areas of greatest need and in relocating displaced Ukrainians.

“There are so many people these days who are encountering God and his love for the first time as churches here and in the neighboring countries are taking care of them,” reports a Ukrainian ministry leader who wishes to remain anonymous for safety reasons. “We have nothing else to do but rely on our God and to spread His Word of hope and salvation among people.”

Please continue to pray for our dear brothers and sisters in Ukraine and for everyone living through the devastation of this war. The faithful Christ followers of Ukrainian Bible Society will continue to share the enduring hope of God’s Word, declaring through their bold faith that even bombs and bullets cannot shake the kingdom of God.

Thank you to those who are supporting this critical relief mission. You can learn more at AmericanBible.org/UkraineRelief

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