Is Bible Reading in Your Back-to-School Plan?

How can your family stay on track with God’s Word this fall? Where’s a good place to start? Read on.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions on January 1. But if you’re a parent, you likely think of the year according to the school calendar, which means your family is about to rollover into 2017–2018.

New seasons provide great opportunities to establish new routines—like packing healthy lunches, dividing up weekly chores, and getting the whole family in on reading God’s Word together.

According to the 2017 State of the Bible report that American Bible Society commissioned from Barna Group, four out of ten adults in America believe the Bible contains everything a person needs to know to live a meaningful life. If you’re eager to help your kids grow, concerned about an illness, or interested in helping your spouse, the Bible is a great place to look for wisdom and inspiration.

Maybe you want to strengthen your marriage, raise your kids from a scriptural perspective, or hear what the Bible has to say about managing money. Or maybe you want to commit to reading the Bible every day to hear what God has to say to you through his Word.

The 2017 State of the Bible reports that “Bible users,” people who read the Bible, spend an average of half an hour in the Word. Would you commit for your family to spend thirty minutes per day this fall to slow down and read stories of how God has used people just like you to do great things for him?

The back-to-school season is a great time to up your Bible reading commitment. Our Bible resources page is full of material for you to download or print—to take with you wherever this 2017–2018 year takes your family.

Looking for a way to read through the Bible in a year? Check out this daily Bible reading guide.

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