Liana’s Favorite Books: Episode 11

Explore a 1517 Malermi Bible, which is the Italian translation of God’s Word

In this episode of “Liana’s Favorite Books,” Dr. Liana Lupas takes you on a tour of a 1517 Malermi Bible, which is the Italian translation of God’s Word.

In 1471, printers in Italy used printing techniques pioneered by Johannes Gutenberg approximately two decades earlier to print the Bible in the Italian language. The translation work itself had been completed by a Dominican monk named Niccolò Malermi.

Soon after the Bible’s publication, a rival printing company used a combination of Malermi’s earlier manuscripts and the printed Italian Bible to create their own publication. Both versions sold rapidly to Italians eager to experience God’s Word in their heart language.

In this 1517 version of the Malermi Bible, you will see intricate printed illustrations—some of which were colored by hand, adding to the unique beauty of this historic book.

We hope you enjoy this treasure from the early days of the Bible translation movement!

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