Staff Spotlight: Jan Moore

Meet the Manager of the Office of a Senior Vice President at American Bible Society

This is part of a series of staff spotlights at American Bible Society. We hope you enjoy getting to know our staff members, who are using their gifts to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Today, meet Jan Moore, who serves as the manager of the office of Senior Vice President John Clause and uses her organizational gifts to supervise ministry efforts at American Bible Society.

Tell us a little about yourself!

I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii! Both of my parents were born and raised there, but my father served in the military, so our family moved around a lot—mostly on the West Coast and overseas. I still have many relatives in Hawaii and go back every chance I get. I highly recommend that everyone visit! It’s worth the long flight.

When I was in middle school, my father was transferred to Norton Air Force Base in southern California. It was near Arrowhead Springs, which was the headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru). In 7th grade, a friend invited me to attend a Bible study. I wanted to go, but I was nervous that I would be embarrassed because I didn’t grow up in a Christian home or know anything about the Bible! I even asked my friend for a Bible so that I could read it before I went. My friend kept inviting me, and I eventually went. I came to know God through that Bible study and through the Good News Bible, which I learned decades later was published by American Bible Society! So I feel like I’ve come full circle.

I went to college in California and then moved to the East Coast when I graduated. I’ve remained here ever since, living in Washington, DC, North Carolina, West Chester, PA, and now Philadelphia. Even after decades here, I’m still not used to the cold! I have five young adult children and two adorable grandsons. I love to read. I love the outdoors—especially the beach! And I’m most certainly a foodie of every cuisine!

How did you come to work for American Bible Society?

I majored in political science in college. Once I graduated, I worked in campaigns and in congressional offices on Capitol Hill for 15 years. I was a legislative assistant, a legislative director, and I spent the last eight years as the chief of staff for Congressman Chris Cox (Newport Beach, CA). I worked long hours, but I loved it. I was in Washington when the Berlin Wall fell and when Kuwait was invaded. There was a lot happening! It’s a different world now, but I still love going back to visit my friends in the DC area. I was involved in a lot of ministries while living there. There are so many good churches in the area continuing that work.

Once I left Capitol Hill, I spent the next 15 years focusing on raising my children and didn’t return to the work force in 2010, when I was hired by American Bible Society! At that time, I worked in our office in Valley Forge. Initially, I worked with Robert Briggs, current president and CEO, when he was senior vice president of Global Scripture Ministries. Then, when we moved to Philadelphia, I worked with Whitney Kuniholm, vice president of Ministry Impact. I now work with John Clause, senior vice president of Ministry Advancement.

I think the main thing I bring to my role here at American Bible Society is my love for working with people for a cause I truly believe in. I’m approaching my 12th anniversary here, and it’s encouraging to see how much we’ve accomplished in that time. We helped launch the Every Tribe Every Nation alliance. We began our Bible-based trauma healing ministry. We celebrated 200 years of ministry during American Bible Society’s bicentennial! And we hosted the United Bible Societies World Assembly in 2016. I can say that I’ve met so many wonderful partners who share our goal of furthering God’s Kingdom. It’s a privilege to be a small part of the beautiful ministry going on all around the world.

Can you describe your day-to-day responsibilities?

As manager of the office of the senior vice president, I really just try to keep up with John. And that’s quite a challenge! He oversees teams that are always cultivating partnerships and finding ways to serve our partners. My role is to keep everything behind the scenes coordinated. I plan meetings and manage our Senior Advancement Leadership Team, as well as track John’s many projects and initiatives. In my role, I’ve met a lot of our financial and ministry partners. They’re all wonderful—such godly and dedicated people.

We are getting back to hosting many guests and events at our headquarters, so I also work with John to prepare for those meetings. Along with the rest of my team, I serve in any capacity to make sure that John and our other colleagues have what they need to get the work done. We work with many creative teams and amazing people with tremendous subject matter expertise, so as I’m working, I’m learning new things every day!

What do you enjoy about working at American Bible Society?

I love the people I am able to engage with! There is something truly special about getting to partner with God’s people. You see the Spirit of the Lord at work. Whenever we hire new people, I ask John, “Where do we get these people? They’re amazing!” And he says, “God brings them.” And that’s so true.

One of the hardest things in the past couple years has been the pandemic. Since we weren’t in the office, I thought we would be limited in what we could do. But God proved that he is still in control. He still has plans and purposes for his people! I watched our organization work together to raise funds for Bible ministry as well as start new initiatives and programs despite the challenges we faced. It’s amazing!

I also enjoy being able to encourage the many young people who work for American Bible Society. I remember that my kids struggled with some of the changes and disappointments of life in college. But when we think of the grand scheme of things, we can have hope. We can look for God sightings. He can turn things around for good. I’m a living testimony of that!

Would you share your favorite Bible verse with us?

That is the hardest question! There are so many. I love so many passages in Isaiah. I love Philippians, Ephesians, and Colossians. And of course, I love so many psalms! But I’m often encouraged by the idea that when we go through trials, we can know that the power to endure comes from God and not ourselves. It’s a truth that we find in Scripture:

There is nothing in us that allows us to claim that we are capable of doing this work. The capacity we have comes from God; it is he who made us capable of serving the new covenant, which consists not of a written law but of the Spirit. The written law brings death, but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3:5-6 GNT

I have seen this truth at work in my own life. Even in my weakness, God is my refuge and strength. His Spirit helps us work out anything that comes our way. And that’s always a reason for joy!

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Elisabeth Trefsgar
Elisabeth Trefsgar

Elisabeth Trefsgar is a content specialist for American Bible Society. She has made a home in New Jersey and Sofia, Bulgaria, and is always on the lookout for the next adventure. She is passionate about seeing communities around the world flourish through the power of God's Word and the efforts of the local church. When she isn't writing, you can find her reading good stories, photographing local sights, and spending time with friends.

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