Ignite your prayer life by applying new rhythms of prayerful communion

Have you noticed when you’re bored that it’s easy to lose motivation, become distracted, or find little meaning in actions that were once rewarding?

The dilemma of spiritual boredom is an ancient one. Spiritual maturity forms in seasons of waiting when the experiences in our early faith seem to go missing and weariness sinks in. Have you ever looked back to find spiritual lethargy’s subtle snares rob you of the adventurous life you know God has called you to? If so, you are not alone among the saints of old who battled spiritual languor and the enemy’s schemes to distract in dry seasons. Yet, God’s Word offers us hope: The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness” John 10:10 (GNT).

A spiritually bored Christian makes for easy prey. When our souls are bored, once mundane external sources begin to appeal to our dulled senses. We may find it easier to scroll through endless emails than read our once-worn Bible, digest rousing news to find we mistake worry for prayer or habitually devour social media in search for deeper connection. If spiritual boredom feels like a thief preventing you from delighting in God, be encouraged. Jesus offers us a better way in John 10:10: life in all its fullness.

One way we experience this fullness is not just knowing about the power of prayer, but by growing in a lifestyle of fascinated prayer. A deepening prayer life removes the shackles of spiritual boredom. It leads us to continuous wonder and delight in friendship with God. By continuously turning to God in prayer, we discover the promised rewards as we pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We find the unfolding joys we crave in this life by not just knowing of God’s invitation to pray, but by taking active steps to delight in prayerful communion with him.

3 ideas to overcome spiritual boredom through prayer:

Discover a fun, new prayer routine. How do we overcome a habit? With a new habit! To build a deeper prayer rhythm that excites your spirit, set aside a specific time daily for 7-days to pray without distraction. Determine your time and keep it. Find a cozy reading chair to talk with God, write prayers in your favorite journal with different colors based on the topics you bring to him, or trailblaze a new path in your neighborhood through prayer walks. Ask God to ignite you with fresh spiritual fervor and offer thanks for how you see him moving in your life daily. And get ready to see God draw near to you as you draw close to him in growing friendship.

Pray the Bible. If we feel lifeless due to spiritual boredom, praying God’s Word is like plugging a power cord into the socket. It electrifies and energizes. It connects us to the truth that frees us and gives us confidence in praying God’s will. Find a Psalm and begin praying through as many chapters as you need until you hear yourself in the Psalmist’s words. For 7-days, delve deeply into Psalms of lament, praise or adoration. Pour out the words back to God. And watch with expectancy for the Holy Spirit to change your thinking, shift your circumstances, or ignite your faith as you pray.

Embrace silence and listening. Prayer is two-way communication. When we feel spiritually bored, perhaps God is gently speaking to guide us into a new path, but restlessness has made it hard to quiet our soul enough to listen. During your 7-days of prayer, spend at least 5-minutes in silence waiting on God daily. Ask him to show you the source of your need. Repent of any sins that come to mind and ask God to fill you in his Word. Invite God to remind you of a Bible verse, promise or example of his personal love in your life recently. As you wait on God in his presence, discover the newness and delights of Psalm 16:11, “You will show me the path that leads to life; your presence fills me with joy and brings me pleasure forever” (GNT).

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Laura Gish
Laura Gish

Laura Gish leads Prayer Mobilization for American Bible Society. Originally from Texas, she now calls Philadelphia home. Laura can often be spotted in the city's historic parks with her adorable Westie named Jack, whose charm befriends local passersby. As a displaced Texan, she is still looking for authentic Tex-Mex food in the Northeast. Laura is passionate about the Bible and empowering people to embrace a fascinated lifestyle of prayer.

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