Advent: Chains He Shall Break
God’s Word provides new life for imprisoned Ugandan woman
Chandiru is from Nyangira, Uganda. When she was 17 years old, she rebelled against her parents and ran away from home. Soon afterward, she got married. One day her husband came home drunk. He began to argue with Chandiru. The argument escalated into a violent struggle. Afraid her husband would kill her, Chandiru struck her husband over the head with an object and fled for her life.
Chandiru’s husband was later rushed to the hospital, where he died. Three weeks later, Chandiru was arrested and given an 18-year prison sentence.
Set Free from an Emotional Prison
Sitting in a jail cell, Chandiru felt hopeless. But one day, she heard some inmates listening to an audio device. At first, she didn’t pay attention, but then she noticed that they were listening to the Bible in her language of Lugbara.
One day they gathered to listen to the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. This story of a son who left his father’s house to live recklessly reminded Chandiru of her story. But despite his choices, the son was welcomed home by his father. Chandiru knew God was welcoming her into his arms. So, from a prison cell she gave her life to Jesus. And now Chandiru wants to preach God’s Word, so others have a chance to hear about his love.
Chandiru’s story is just one of many who have been changed by the power of God’s Word. Though the End to End ministry, God’s Word is reaching Ugandans in prisons, refugee camps, hospitals, and schools. And for the more than 11 million Ugandans who cannot read a printed Bible, End to End offers Scripture on an audio device called a Proclaimer.
Now Ugandans can listen, study, and discuss God’s Word in their own language. And many are giving their lives to Jesus! So far, more than 8,100 have been impacted by this ministry. We’re praying that even more Ugandans will have an opportunity to hear about God’s love. Will you join us?
Let’s Pray Together:
God, thank you for your Word that brings hope to people like Chandiru sitting in a prison cell. We pray that your Word will continue to spread across Uganda, healing hearts and setting people free.

Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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