Bringing the Hope of Scripture to Deaf People in Peru
Pray for the translation of Scripture into Peruvian Sign Language
Every person deserves a chance to understand God’s Word in their language. For Deaf people in Peru that means hearing the gospel in Peruvian Sign Language.
In 2017, Peruvian Bible Society (PBS) began translating Scripture into Peruvian Sign Language—the heart language for approximately 167,000 Deaf people in that nation. So far, they have translated and recorded 16 Bible stories. These video translations are then distributed to the Deaf community through social media, local associations for the Deaf, and a few local churches.
Praise God that the Deaf community in Peru can now experience the love of Jesus through portions of translated Scripture in their heart language. But there is still more work to be done and we need your prayers.
How Your Prayers Can Help
Over the next three years (2022-2024), the Bible translation team will work on translating stories from the Gospel of Luke including the “Baptism of Jesus” and “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand.” This gargantuan task includes developing video drafts, editing, reshooting, community testing, consultant checks, more reshooting and eventually publication, and distribution.
That is why you need to pray.
This is grueling work which requires a great deal of commitment, effort, collaboration, and, most of all, God’s grace. Your prayers can help a team of translators, consultants, churches, and the Bible Society bring God’s Word to a group of people often overlooked by society. Through your prayers God can speak Peruvian Sign Language.
4 Ways You Can Pray
- The Bible translation team. There are only two translators. PBS is providing support by adding Deaf volunteers and pastors located throughout the country. Pray for encouragement, strength, and wisdom for this team.
- Local churches. Pray that local churches will attend to the spiritual needs of the Deaf. Pray that they will be successful in reaching the Deaf community with these sign language videos and that Deaf people will feel a sense of belonging in the church.
- The Deaf Community in Peru. As a silent and forgotten community, pray that the Word of God in their language will contribute to their self-esteem and self-worth. Pray that as they see God’s Word in motion their hearts will come alive to the goodness of God.
- Financial Provision. Uncertainty of funding from year to year jeopardizes the progress of this project. Pray that God will move on the hearts of partners to give generously so that the Deaf community in Peru can have a full Bible in Peruvian Sign Language.

Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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