Healing Generations of Trauma in Romania
Romanians receive God’s comfort through Bible-based trauma healing
After 40-plus years of Communist rule in Romania, deep psychological scars still remain. Romanians suffered through extreme poverty, meager food rations, and the constant threat of imprisonment. Many struggled to survive under this oppressive regime.
But since gaining its freedom in 1989, Romania has started on a journey of healing. Psychological counseling is now available for those who endured wounds of the soul and spirit. Sadly, there are not enough services to help all those who struggle with the long-lasting effects of trauma.
Many Romanians are trapped in cycles of poverty and hopelessness. They struggle to break free from fear and anger. With no where to turn, they become entangled in destructive behaviors such as illegal drug use and violence.
Romanians need healing from the suffering they’ve endured. They need to talk and express their emotions. They need the peace that Jesus offers.
The Church Welcomes the Hurting
To help those who suffer from trauma, Interconfessional Bible Society in Romania – together with Orthodox, Baptist, and Adventist churches – has launched Bible-based trauma healing. Trauma healing uses Scripture to remind those who are suffering of God’s love and presence in the midst of their pain. Through listening, group sharing, writing laments, and expressing grief through drawing, participants are in a safe and loving atmosphere that invites time to bring their pain to Jesus.
And Jesus is healing hearts! Christina who joined a trauma healing group said, “We are never alone. God is always present in our lives and suffers with us. I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to be part of the program.”
In 2018, 550 people were impacted by trauma healing groups. This year, God has opened doors for trauma healing to reach more Romanians through Christian programming. There are also opportunities to bring trauma healing to teens. Will you join us in praying for God’s wisdom to grow the trauma healing program in Romania?
Pray for:
- Support. Pray that churches will embrace the trauma healing ministry, using it to reach hurting people in their communities. Also, pray that they’ll form a strong trauma healing network that supports one another.
- Wisdom. Ask God to grant Interconfessional Bible Society in Romania wisdom and discernment to know which areas and audiences need trauma healing. Pray for God’s guidance to reach all traumatized Romanians.
- Resources. Pray that God will provide all the resources – financial and material – to continue to grow the trauma healing program in Romania.

Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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