Helping People Heal from the Pain of Trauma Using Bible-Based Resources

Join us as we pray for those suffering trauma to experience God’s comfort

Healing from trauma is hard. Trauma often leaves people feeling helpless, alone, and like no one can ever understand what they’ve been through.

But God does understand. And people can help. When traumatized people share their pain with God and others, they can begin to heal.

At American Bible Society, we long to see people heal from the pain of trauma and experience God’s peace. That’s why our Trauma Healing Ministry has created resources that help people learn about trauma and start to heal. These resources include:

  • What is Trauma? Video. This short video gives a simple explanation of trauma and its effect on people.
  • Recognizing Trauma. This resource walks you through the three most common ways trauma presents itself in people’s lives.
  • Trauma Healing Basics Discussion Guide. This is an easy-to-use discussion guide to help groups of people learn about trauma and healing together.
  • How to Lament. This resource shares the Bible’s blueprint for a kind of prayer that helps us pour out our pain to God.
  • 3 Questions to Ask Someone Who is Hurting. Through this resource you can help a friend or loved one share their pain by asking just three simple questions and listening without offering judgment or solutions.
  • Beyond Disaster: A Survivor’s Guide. This booklet can help you with practical ways to care for yourself and your loved one.

You can download these resources and more at

We Need Your Prayers

Since 2010, our Trauma Healing Ministry has come alongside hurting people as they learn how to find comfort in the pages of Scripture. Trauma healing resources have been contextualized for children, teens, military members and veterans, prison inmates, refugees, and other groups who experience trauma. Several Bible-based resources have been translated into more than 150 languages, and trauma healing groups meet in churches, schools, prisons, recovery programs, and homes in more than 112 countries.

But none of this would be possible without the power of prayer! Your prayers enable trauma healing to take place around the world. So, join us as we pray the following:

  • Pray that Bible-based trauma healing resources will help hurting people finally experience the love of God and gain the tools they need to continue their journey of healing through lifelong Scripture engagement.
  • Pray that Trauma Healing Ministry will expand and reach nearly 1 billion people who suffer from trauma here in the United States and around the world.
  • Pray that cycles of trauma that have existed for generations will be broken and that wounded hearts will be healed.

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Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury

Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.

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