Join Us as We Pray for One Million Bibles for Africa
Pray for Bibles to reach every home, hand, heart, hotel, and hospital in Africa
“I’m a third-class citizen in the Kingdom of God,” said Elizabeth from the Lake Victoria Region in Uganda. For years, Elizabeth has been crying out to God for her own Bible. Unable to own one because she cannot afford it, she felt unseen and unimportant.
Elizabeth is not alone.
Approximately 84 percent of Ugandans are Christians. But many of them don’t have a Bible in their language. Some Ugandans have what they refer to as a “snake Bible”—a Bible that sheds pages because of its poor quality.
But Christians in Uganda and across Africa long for a Bible of their own. They want to hear directly from God’s Word. Pastors long to preach using a physical Bible and to provide Bibles to their congregants.
That’s why the One Million Bibles for Africa project was started. And that’s why we need to pray.
“I am a witness to God answering the prayers of his people”
To meet the growing demand for Bibles, Bible Societies in Africa are working to place one million Bibles in the hands of believers who desperately need and want a copy of their own. Through the generosity of our partners, Bibles are making their way to Christians in Africa at no cost to them. And for those who are illiterate, God’s Word is being shared through Audio Bibles.
Beginning in 2022, God’s Word will be distributed in 29 countries, in 7 languages.
The unique part of this project is the way God’s Word will be distributed. Each Bible is hand-delivered by someone—a pastor, teacher, hospital worker, church volunteer, Christian—to someone who needs one. This enables God’s Word to reach vulnerable populations such as those in the rural-remote areas, street children, women, the elderly, and more.
Pray that many hear God’s Word speak directly to their heart. “I am a witness to God answering the prayers of his people, seeing how God hears the prayers and provides His Word to them,” said David Isais, executive director of Million Bible Initiative. David has witnessed, many like Elizabeth receive the Bible they have prayed for.
The need for Bibles is urgent. Christians in Africa are crying out for God’s Word. You can help bring Bibles to them by praying!
How You Can Pray
- Pray for those who receive a Bible and those who give them. Pray for those reading the Bible for the first time to have life-transforming encounters with God. Pray for those sharing God’s Word to be protected, encouraged, and emboldened as they disciple others.
- Pray for financial provision. Ask God to move the hearts of partners to give generously so we can continue to provide Bibles at no cost to the end user.
- Pray for the church in Africa. Pray for God’s blessing on this project. Pray for us at American Bible Society as we serve together with churches in Africa to bring God’s Word where it is needed.
Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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