Pray for the First Bible in the Lunyala Language
Your prayers can help bring God’s life-giving words to the Banyala ba Ndombi people
The Banyala ba Ndombi people live on the northern edge of the Kakamega rainforest in Kenya. They are a tight knit community with a population of just over 274,000 people. Once part of another Abanyala community, the Banyala ba Ndombi people migrated eastward, settling in the isolated rainforest region. They now have a distinct culture, and a unique way of pronouncing their native language, Lunyala.
Unfortunately, due to their unique language characteristics, there exists no Bible that they can understand.
Translating God’s Word into Lunyala
No one knows more than pastors how hard it is share God’s Word when there aren’t any printed Bibles in your language. That’s why 20 pastors in the Kakamega region have reached out to Bible Society of Kenya, asking for Lunyala Scripture for their congregations.
In 2017, Bible Society of Kenya commissioned Lunyala translators to translate the entire Bible into their language. In just three years, 11 New Testament books have been translated! As the team works on translation, they are also recording audio for a Lunyala version of the JESUS film. Praise God that these precious people are reading and hearing Jesus in their own language for the first time!
But there is more work to be done.
In 2020, the translation team will finish drafting the remaining 16 New Testament books and six Old Testament books. At the current pace of work, the Banyala ba Ndombi people are eagerly anticipating a New Testament in 2020 and the full Lunyala Bible in 2030.
With a Bible in their own dialect, the Banyala ba Ndombi will fully understand the life-changing messages found in God’s Word. They will grow in their walk with Jesus as they study and preach Scripture in their own language.
Will you join us in praying for the first Bible in the Lunyala language?
Let’s Pray Together:
God, we pray for the completion of the Lunyala Bible. We ask you to give strength, endurance, and wisdom to the team of translators. And we pray for the Banyala ba Ndombi people to fall in love with Jesus as they read Scripture in their own language.
![Nena Podbury](
Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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