This Christmas, Join Us as We Pray for Military Families

Pray for Military families facing unique challenges this holiday season

Last month, I had the privilege of praying with some Military families via telephone. I was so honored to be a part of this beautiful time of prayer with and for our nation’s heroes.

But there was one young woman who caught my attention. Despite her two small children climbing up onto her lap and running around her trying to get her attention, she persisted in prayer. Together, we prayed for Service members, Veterans, and their families. Later, those on the call learned that her husband is currently deployed overseas. This young mother could’ve skipped this call, but she didn’t. She understood the power of prayer.

And I couldn’t wait to tell her that she isn’t alone. That there are faithful prayer partners like you praying for her and her family. That we as a prayer community are thinking of her and interceding on her behalf.

She smiled broadly and said, Thank you so much.

Sharing the Hope of God’s Word

With your support, American Bible Society has been able to provide Bibles and Military-specific Scripture resources to Service members, Veterans, and their families for more than 200 years.

In 2020, we launched Hero Squad. Created by our Armed Services Ministry, Hero Squad delivers Bibles and faith-based resources to Military families and kids. It was through this program that this young mother was connected to the prayer call.

Thank you for praying for our U.S. Military community. Through your prayers, military spouses struggling to raise their kids alone, Veterans struggling with trauma, and Soldiers struggling with fear on the battlefield are finding peace and comfort in God’s Word.

But we must keep praying.

As we approach Christmas, we know this can be a difficult time for many in the Military community. While most of us will be singing Christmas carols, unwrapping gifts, and eating a Christmas meal, many Military families will spend Christmas apart. Some may even be alone on Christmas.

Your prayers can help connect them with God’s loving presence. Will you pray?

Let’s Pray Together

Father, we thank you for the Military heroes who are courageously serving our nation. Please protect and strengthen them as they sacrifice time with loved ones to defend our freedoms. We pray for peace and comfort for Military families separated during Christmastime. May they still share special moments together even if they are far apart. And for Veterans who find themselves alone this Christmas, our loving God, will you visit them and remind them you are near. We pray that they will be connected to churches, friends, and neighbors during this holiday season. In Jesus’s name, we pray. Amen.

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Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury

Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.

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