This Thanksgiving, We Are Overwhelmed with Gratitude for You!
Thank you for helping us share the hope of God’s Word with the world
Ministry can be challenging, but it is encouraging to know that we are not alone. We have wonderful partners like you!
Thank you for faithfully supporting us.
Thank you for praying prayers that move mountains and transform lives.
Thank you for trusting us as your partners in Bible ministry.
Thank you for helping us share the Bible’s message of love with those who need it.
And thank you for offering encouragement, like this message we received from our partner Heather-Ann:
I thank you all, each one of you, for what you do for the whole world—for all you do, every single Bible you bring to those in need . . . So much work, so much love, so much patience and endurance to get the Word of God to others. I am privileged to pray for you to try and help in any small way that I can. May God fill you with all his ongoing, never-ending love and mercy.
This Thanksgiving, as we gather with loved ones and reflect on God’s goodness, we are thanking God for you. Your faithful support means so much to us!
To express our gratitude for your partnership in the mission to share the life-changing message of God’s Word with the world, our staff at American Bible Society wrote thank-you notes just for you.
We hope you enjoy these special messages, and we wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
![Nena Podbury](
Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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