The Bibles you help provide are transforming lives in Angola.

Francisco’s* existence was once dominated by severe alcoholism. His addiction ruled his emotions, ruined his finances, and hurt his family. He longed to be free from the bondage but felt trapped: “I walked around like a madman. I received my salary, and it was all spent on drunkenness.” Once his money was gone, he would “despair and cry” in shame, not knowing how to break the cycle.

Until recently, Bibles were very hard to find in Francisco’s rural village in Angola. Thanks to the faithfulness of friends like you, the End-to-End project introduced the people of Francisco’s village to the JESUS Film and provided audio Bibles for listening groups, as well as printed Bibles in their Umbundo heart language.

After attending the audio Bible listening group, Francisco committed his life to Jesus and was delivered from the bondage of alcoholism! His outlook brightened remarkably as the weight of sin and shame was lifted from his heart. With his new printed Bible in hand, the first he’s ever owned, he says, “This Bible for me is the seed that transforms life!”

He adds, “By constantly meditating on the Bible, it is easier to see where I have been failing. This helps me not make the same mistakes that, according to the Bible, are wrong.” Francisco continues to grow in his faith and now shares God’s Word in his church and with his family.

Your generosity is helping provide God’s Word where it is needed most so people like Francisco can receive their first Bible and overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges, helping them become strong in their walk with the Lord.

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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