Lucy’s Gift
Meet one of American Bible Society’s youngest partners and learn how she invited others to join her in sharing God’s Word!

Photo courtesy of Theresa Hutchinson
Like many 11-year-old girls, Lucy loves horseback riding, playing outside, and making crafts.
She loves her cat, Tulip, and wants to be a farmer when she grows up.
And, just like you, Lucy loves the Bible!
“When she was little, she would listen to her audio Bible while she was having breakfast,” her mom, Theresa, says. “She listened to it everyday!”
Lucy doesn’t remember a time when she didn’t have God’s Word. Her grandma gave her a children’s Bible when she was five. She began reading through the Bible in a year when she started school. And now, she’s graduated to a student Bible. Her favorite Bible story is the story of Moses. “I’ve read it over and over and over!” she says.
Because she loves the Bible, Lucy wants to share it with others. And at the end of 2021, a new opportunity to share God’s Word arrived in Lucy’s mailbox when Lucy’s family received a letter from American Bible Society.
The first thing Lucy noticed was the message stamped across the envelope: “Just $5 can send someone a Bible!” Curious, she opened the letter. She read stories about how faithful financial partners like you made a difference around the world through God’s Word. She also learned about refugees, U.S. Veterans, and schoolchildren who all shared one thing in common: they didn’t have the Bible.
I have five dollars! Lucy thought. I can help!
Theresa watched Lucy run upstairs, get five dollars from her bank, and put it in the return envelope.
“The thing that really caught her attention was that, for five dollars, she could make a difference,” Theresa says. “She could give someone a Bible!” Lucy felt proud and excited after dropping her return envelope in the mail.
But she wasn’t done.
Last summer, while planning her tenth birthday party, Lucy had an idea. What if she invited friends and family to join her in providing Bibles around the world?
“We made a donation jar and Lucy wrote a letter explaining her idea,” Theresa says. “People were excited about it!”
Inspired by Lucy’s generosity, her friends and family donated money of their own, even after her party was over. And, thanks to Lucy’s invitation to give, people around the world received the hope and comfort of God’s Word—the greatest gift of all!
When asked why it’s important for people to have the Bible, Lucy answered right away: “So they can go to heaven!”
“I was very proud of her,” Theresa says. “Honestly, we’re not the perfect Bible-studying and memorizing family. But despite that, Lucy knew the Bible was important, and she knew it was important to give.”
American Bible Society is thankful for our precious partners like Lucy, who help us remember the words of Jesus: “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:35b)
Read more stories of lives changed by God’s Word in Record magazine!
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