Military Miracles
You Lifted Up One Military Chaplain in Her Hour of Need.
U.S. Navy Lieutenant Tianna Ren is no stranger to miracles. Her life story is full of them:
The fact that she lives in America rather than her birth country of China. The fact that she is a military chaplain. The fact that she is even a Christian at all.
But Tianna recently received a miracle so extraordinary, that she simply can’t stop talking about it:
The Bible that you gave her.
“It literally changed my life!” Tiana says.
To understand why this particular Bible meant so much to Tianna, you have to know a little something about her past and the many miracles that brought her . . . and you . . . together in God’s Word.
“In China, most people are atheists.”
The First Miracle: Converted
This is Tianna’s candid and accurate description of her home country. Sadly, it would take a miracle for a little girl born in China 40 years ago to grow up in a Christian home.
But in the nick of time, that’s exactly what God provided for Tianna.
“I was born in 1981,” Tianna explains. “But in 1980, a missionary came to Shanghai, and my mother and grandmother were converted to Christianity.”
Against all odds, Tianna grew up with not one, but two godly role models in her life—an extraordinary gift that bore great spiritual fruit in Tianna’s life as she grew up.
“During my first year of high school, I was born again—very clearly,” Tianna says. “I met Jesus! He died on the cross for me. God shined a light into my heart, and it forever changed my life.”
Eager to serve her newfound Lord and Savior, Tianna decided to attend Nanjing Seminary in China after graduating from high school.
The Second Miracle: Called
“I served the church in China for five years, preaching and visiting people,” she says. “In fact, I served in one of the biggest churches in China with 20,000 members!”
Despite a thriving ministry in her home country, an impossible dream was growing inside Tianna’s heart: She wanted to come to America . . . and God provided another miracle.
“God miraculously opened the door for me to come to the United States!” Tianna says. “I applied to Yale Divinity School and got accepted. They even gave me a scholarship. There was no way I could have come here financially without that scholarship.”
After Tianna graduated from Yale, God continued to bless every step of her miraculous journey. After getting married, she decided to join the Navy in order to obtain a path to U.S. Citizenship.
The Third Miracle: You
But as a U.S. Navy Chaplain, all of Tianna’s spiritual training would be put to the test on the battlefield of spiritual warfare.
Tianna spends her days pouring out her life for the women and men sacrificing so much for our nation through military service. For five years now, she’s cared for Service members who have turned to alcohol to cope with the pain of military life, as well as married couples struggling to reconnect after a deployment.
The problem was, Tianna spent so much time ministering to the spiritual needs of others, she did not tend to the deep needs of her own soul.
“One year after giving birth to my second girl, I was very down spiritually. Life was consuming me—spiritually and mentally—with two little kids at home,” Tianna says. “I didn’t have a good plan for staying connected with the Bible. As a busy mother, I was not spending enough time on my relationship with God.”
Wounded and weary, Tianna trudged into her office lobby one morning when the glimmer of another budding miracle caught her eye.
“I saw a copy of the Warriors Bible from American Bible Society’s Armed Services Ministry sitting on our ‘free resource’ table,” Tianna says. “Someone had left that Bible in the entrance of my office for any Service member to take.”
The Warriors Bible is a copy of God’s Word custom-built for Military members like Tianna. In addition to the 75-day Basic Training in the Bible reading challenge, it contains articles, devotionals, and biblical commentary written by Christian military personnel on topics that deal with military life issues.
“It’s the best Bible I’ve ever read,” Tianna says. “It was so relevant to my military experience, because it was written by military chaplains using military terminology. They’ve been in the war zone. They understand what military life looks like. It showed me a different angle of viewing God as a warrior and Jesus as our commander-in-chief.”
As a seminary graduate two times over, Tianna admits that she wasn’t expecting to stumble across such a life-changing Bible resource in the middle of her life’s journey.
“I found so many new insights from the passages that I had never found there before—and I know Greek and Hebrew!” she laughs.
For Tianna, the provision of this customized biblical resource was just another example of God’s miraculous intervention in her life—and it was a gift that keeps on giving.
You Make Miracles Happen!
“Reading the Bible is just like eating. We have to do it every day!” Tianna explains. “Every morning is like manna from heaven—like eating a spiritual breakfast. Thank you for helping me develop that habit myself and for helping me share God’s love with others!”
Tianna wants you to know how grateful she is for the military miracles that you make possible.
“Just like he used five loaves and two fishes, God uses whatever you give to American Bible Society to make miracles happen.” Tianna says. “It’s a good stewardship of your resources, and I want to say thank you!”
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