Leaving for Vacation? Here Are 3 Reasons to Pack Your Bible!

Deepen your faith by packing your Bible for summer vacation

You can almost feel it in the air.

School is out for the summer. College students have returned home. The weather is getting warmer. It’s harder and harder to get your work done without staring longingly out the window. And, each morning, you check your calendar and mentally check off one more day until your long-awaited summer vacation!

Each summer, millions of families take time off from normal work and life schedules and venture into their annual vacation. Whether it’s a weeklong camping trip in the state park right next door, a wild road trip across the United States, or an adventure to visit a new country and culture, our vacations often rank among our favorite memories.

As you’re looking forward to your next vacation with family and friends, take a moment to review your packing list in your mind. Sunscreen? Check. Beach chairs? Check. Bug spray? Check.


It’s not on everyone’s packing list—but taking the Bible on vacation could be one of the best decisions you make this summer.

Here are three reasons to consider packing your Bible for your next vacation!

Keep good habits—even on vacation.

It won’t make a difference if I miss a week of devotions, you think as you cram the last item into your suitcase and miraculously close the zipper. The Bible sitting on your bedside table is too bulky to bring. And you already know that the chances of you opening your Bible app and reading Scripture in the morning are close to zero. Vacation is all about taking a break. I deserve this, right?

Vacation is all about taking a break—but in Scripture, we see that God’s Word is something we should always carry with us.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites were instructed to meditate on Scripture day and night. In the New Testament, Jesus answers Satan’s temptation by comparing God’s Word to food needed to keep us alive. And the apostle Paul tells us to use Scripture like a sword as part of the armor of God against the Devil.

While there is no rule in Scripture that tells us we must read the Bible every day, we see clear evidence that encourages a habit of treasuring and meditating on God’s Word as often as possible. When you bring your Bible with you on vacation, you keep the good habit of studying Scripture. Whether you use your physical Bible, a Bible app, an audio resource, or some other Bible tool, you’re continuing on the path of seeking God’s wisdom and defending yourself against the Devil’s lies and attacks.

Commit to starting each day of your vacation with a few minutes in Scripture and see how God uses this simple habit to encourage your heart and refresh your soul.

Learn new lessons in new places.

One of the best parts of vacation is going to an exciting new place. Vacation changes our physical setting and opens our eyes to new sights, stories, cultures, and experiences. We try new foods; we find new favorite places; we wonder at natural beauty all around us. And when we take God’s Word with us on our travels, we find fresh chances to learn about God and his truth.

The Bible tells us that God created everything, both seen and unseen. But we experience this truth differently when we meditate on Scripture in a new environment.

Imagine reading a psalm like Psalm 147 while sitting at the summit of a mountain, where piles of snow sit frozen in the middle of July and blasts of wind chill you to the bone.

Or imagine how seeing the Milky Way snaking across the sky would change your appreciation for a verse like Psalm 33:6 (GNT): “The LORD created the heavens by his command, the sun, moon, and stars by his spoken word.”

Or think about how a quiet night in the middle of a transatlantic cruise could be the perfect time to meditate on the truth of Micah 7:19 (GNT): “You will be merciful to us once again. You will trample our sins underfoot and send them to the bottom of the sea!”

Scripture declares that we can learn about God’s eternal power and divine nature by looking at everything he has made. When we take the Bible with us on vacation, we open the door to better see and appreciate the evidence of God’s goodness, creativity, and love—both in his Word and in creation!

Spend quality time with God.

For many people, memories of vacations are some of our favorites because we spend this special time with the people we love most.

We have deep conversations around the firepit. We spend hours singing songs in the car. We share meals together. We walk miles through new cities. And, if all goes well, we return home closer than we were before.

In the same way, vacation can be a time for you to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father.

During your vacation and every other day, God is a trustworthy shelter from all of life’s worries and cares. He offers perfect peace to everyone who puts their hope in him. He invites you to bring your cares to him in prayer and promises to be with you always. He has given you the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. But as if that wasn’t enough, the Bible tells us that God has also provided every good gift we experience—including our summer vacation.

Take the opportunity this summer to intentionally pack your Bible or download a reading plan on your Bible app. Set aside time each day to talk to God and meditate on his Word. And see how this addition to your vacation can help you grow in your faith this summer!

Looking for free Bible resources to take with you on vacation this year? Explore these three tools from American Bible Society:

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