Staff Spotlight: Joy Varnay

Meet a regional manager at American Bible Society

This is part of a series of staff spotlights at American Bible Society. We hope you enjoy getting to know our staff members, who are using their gifts to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Today, meet Joy Varnay, who serves as a regional manager on American Bible Society’s First Bible team. In this role, Joy supports the work of our United Bible Societies partners and helps people receive God’s Word—often for the first time ever!

Tell us about yourself!

I was born in the Philippines and spent half my life there. My parents both worked in the government sector and held leadership positions. I’m very proud of them and what they were able to accomplish in their lives, but I’m even more grateful for the values they showed our family. They had Christian faith and love of family, valued education and integrity, and were hardworking and generous.

My mother was a devout Catholic and a prayerful woman. She attended Mass every Sunday at 6 a.m.—usually accompanied by yours truly (although I had to be dragged out of bed!). My father passed away when I was six years old, but I know a lot about his life thanks to the stories my family told. He left his children his good name and character, his love for tennis (he was a tennis champion in his own right), and his love for Chinese food. Every Friday night, we would go to his favorite restaurant in Manila’s Chinatown (which, by the way, is considered to be the world’s oldest Chinatown—established in the 1590s!).

I spent my early years in a private Catholic school for girls. After my father died, I transferred to a public high school. When I was 14, a classmate invited me to a Bible study. I didn’t know what to expect, but it turned out to be just what I needed.

I had already been seeking God in a personal way. My Catholic upbringing had taught me that there was a God, and that he answered prayer. I had started praying to God and thought of him as my secret friend. But when I went to that Bible study, I got to know who Jesus is, what he did for me, and his invitation to put my trust in him. I couldn’t resist this call to faith, and I have been journeying with Christ since that day.

I’ve been married for 15 years. We got married at a Lutheran church in New Jersey; then we attended an Anglican church in Casablanca while we lived in Morocco for my husband’s job; now we live in Hungary and attend an international Baptist church. So, I like to say that I’m a bit of a mutt when it comes to church! The denominational lines have blurred a little, but what has remained most important to me is the centrality of the gospel.

In terms of education, I earned a bachelor’s degree in economics in the Philippines and then an MBA from West Chester University in Pennsylvania. I’m a lifelong learner and am always trying something new—whether it’s chocolate candy making, choral conducting, culinary arts, or language learning (I’m currently studying Hungarian while trying to learn Chinese!).

What did you do before coming to American Bible Society?

I’d describe my career in three phases. First, I spent 10 years working with the Philippine government. Next, I moved to technical writing and editing in the IT field. That career took me to Taiwan, the United States, and Singapore. Finally, I came to the philanthropy field when I was hired by a U.S.-based company for their research department.

How long have you worked at American Bible Society?

I’m approaching my 16th year! I was hired by American Bible Society in 2007. At first, I worked in the research department. In 2009, I moved to project management with the First Bible team, which was then called International Ministries. I’ve been here ever since!

What do you do as a regional manager?

As part of the First Bible team, my job is to champion projects that help people receive and engage with the Bible for the first time. My region includes Asia Pacific, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe.

I work in cooperation with our United Bible Societies partners. I liaise with Bible Society program managers and general secretaries to understand each Bible Society’s unique vision, programs, and challenges. I explore how American Bible Society can come alongside them and support them in their work through various ministry projects.

At the heart of our Bible work is making the Bible available so that all may experience the life-changing message of the Scripture. I truly believe that God prepared me for this role! For as long as I can remember, I have always had a heart for missions and outreach. In college, I was involved with student ministries like Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and Cru. When I graduated, I heard about the need for Bibles in China, and I thought that maybe I needed to sneak Bibles into the country. But now that I’m at American Bible Society, I see the incredible things that God has done to spread his Word in the most difficult places. Today, Bibles are even being legally printed and made available in China through our partnership with United Bible Societies!

What do you enjoy about working at American Bible Society?

Knowing that my work at American Bible Society helps support the ministry of the global church by making the Word of God available to everyone gives me joy. Within the three regions I serve, I get to work with people from different countries, cultures, languages, and histories. It’s been educational, humbling, and meaningful to me personally.

When I hear troubling world news like the devastating flooding in China, or protests in Kazakhstan, or war in Ukraine, it is not just news to me. I see the faces of colleagues in the Bible Societies that are in the middle of those experiences. I am so grateful for the chance to share their stories and the impact of their ministry. Their stories will probably never make the primetime news, but it’s news that really makes a difference as our Bible Society partners live out the gospel in their own context. We know that the Bible is not just a book. The Word of God is truly God’s Word! It is alive, current, and transformational.

Would you share one of your favorite Bible verses with us?

There are many Bible verses that come to mind, depending on the seasons of my life. Right now, the verse I want to share is Philippians 4:6-7 (GNT):

Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.

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Elisabeth Trefsgar
Elisabeth Trefsgar

Elisabeth Trefsgar is a content specialist for American Bible Society. She has made a home in New Jersey and Sofia, Bulgaria, and is always on the lookout for the next adventure. She is passionate about seeing communities around the world flourish through the power of God's Word and the efforts of the local church. When she isn't writing, you can find her reading good stories, photographing local sights, and spending time with friends.

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