How to Pray and Get Involved with Bible Translation Ministry
Combine prayer and action for those still waiting to receive God’s Word in their heart language
For 2 billion people, God’s Word does not exist in the language they speak every day. Of the world’s 7,000 languages, nearly 3,800 still don’t have access to the whole Bible and of these, almost 2,000 don’t even have a single verse. But American Bible Society, in partnership with other Bible translation agencies, have a plan to eliminate Bible poverty through Bible translation.
By training translators, providing translation software and resources, and removing barriers to effective work, we can help locals quickly and accurately bring God’s Word to their communities.
And you can be a part of this extraordinary work to translate God’s Word so that unreached people groups have access to the life-changing message of God’s Word. Here’s how.
First, Pray!
Your prayers can help us reach our goal of providing a Bible in every living language by 2033. To learn how you can pray for Bible translation ministry download our 5-day prayer guide entitled, “The Bible Transforms Global Communities.” Use this guide to inspire your prayers for translation teams, local churches, and those still waiting to read Scripture in their own language.
Also, you can join American Bible Society and Bible translation agencies in praying the Translation Prayer.
God, Your Word is more precious than all I possess. Your Scripture gives light to my path and directs my steps. Through Your will alone, lives are transformed and minds made new. So, I now pray for all people that do not yet know you. For You’ve promised that Your voice by every tribe and nation will be heard. So, equip us by Your breath to provide every heart language with Your Word.
Second, Get Involved!
There are several ways you can get involved with Bible translation ministry. Here are a few:
- Support Bible Translation Ministry.
- Adopt a Bible translation project. Gather as a family, church, or neighborhood and adopt of Bible translation project to pray for, learn more about, and share with others. To select a specific project, check out
- Listen to this episode of the Prayer Snapshot. In this episode we share how the ministry of Bible ministry is making it possible for people to hear about the unending, self-sacrificing, and relentless love of Jesus in their native language.
- Share this video. Spread the word about Bible translation by sharing this video of the Kimyal community in West Papua, Indonesia, as they receive the first copies of the New Testament in their language.

Nena Podbury
Nena Podbury is a Prayer Mobilization Associate at American Bible Society. Originally from the Bronx, she served in children’s ministry for 12 years doing Sidewalk Sunday School. Nena is married with two children, Noah and Emilia.
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