Many in China are coming to Christ and growing in their faith through the Bibles you help provide.

Life dramatically changed for Guo* the day he finally received his first Bible. Guo’s parents were Christians, but Bibles are very hard to find in rural China, especially after the Cultural Revolution(1966-1976), when Christianity was severely suppressed and Bibles were destroyed.

Without a Bible to help him grow in his faith, Guo felt hopeless in his struggles with poverty and his son’s drug addiction. When Guo’s wife became fatally ill, he turned to the idol worship of his ancestors: “I offered prayers to idols, sacrificing chickens, as well as the heads of pigs and bulls.” When she passed away, Guo felt even more shattered and disillusioned, saying, “In the absence of the Bible, we lived in darkness and despair.”

“Bibles were scarce in our village,” Guo shares. Thankfully, faithful friends like you helped Guo receive a Bible in his heart language at nearly 70 years old, which transformed his life and eternity. Guo diligently studied his new Bible for months and fully committed his life to Jesus!

The change deeply impacted Guo’s son, who repented, came to faith in Jesus, and was set free from his addiction. Guo joyfully says, “With the Bible, I have hope. Its impact on me is indescribable, and its value exceeds that of silver and gold.”

Now, Guo and his family serve and minister together in their local church. The Bibles you helped provide for Guo and his entire village have ignited a spiritual revival among the people.

God is doing amazing things in China through the power of His Word, and the need for Bibles in rural areas remains urgent. The Bibles you help provide give people like Guo and his son the opportunity to know Jesus and grow in their Christian faith. Thank you!

*Names changed to protect privacy.

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