Giving People access to the Life-changing message of God’s Word!


More than 5,000 gathered in Chiapas, Mexico this spring to celebrate the completion of the Ch’ol Bible translation. Julio Splinker, General Director of the Bible Society of Mexico shares, “After 14
years of hard translation work, the Ch’ol people have in their hands the first study Bible, enabling young people to engage more deeply with the Scriptures. All this is for the glory of God and so that no Mexican is lost!”


The Bible Society in Liberia (BSL) has launched an initiative to place Bibles into the hands of 5000 young people from 15 to 24 years old. Youth face a multitude of challenges there, including substance abuse, crime, exploitation, and neglect. By giving them access to God’s Word in their heart language, BSL is sowing the seeds of hope, resilience, and spiritual renewal, paving the way for a brighter future for Liberia.

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