“People Have Accepted the Salvation of Jesus!”
Communities are coming to Christ through the JESUS Film and the Bibles.

When 60-year-old Felipe* heard that the JESUS Film would be shown in his tiny, poor village in the mountains of Guatemala, he didn’t believe it . . . and with good reason. There had never been a movie in his village. But he can’t say that anymore. A screen was put in place one evening, and his community was changed as they watched the miracles of Jesus in their own language.
Before the movie, Felipe didn’t speak about his faith to others. But now he says, “We visit from house to house and screen the film — and those who did not know Jesus are getting to know Him. People have accepted the salvation of Jesus just by watching the movie!”
After the JESUS Film was shown in the neighboring community, many more people committed their lives to Jesus, and the long-standing feud between the two villages abruptly ended.
In remote parts of the world, the JESUS Film is one of our most effective tools to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many commit their lives to Christ after watching. Our steadfast financial partners support helps provide people with Bibles and audio Bibles in their heart language, so these willing souls can get to know God more intimately.
We are delighted that lives all over the world continue to be changed for eternity by sharing God’s Word!
*Names changed for privacy
Thanks to the support of our faithful financial partners, American Bible Society has been engaging people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for more than 200 years.
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