You’re making the love of God known in Nicaragua.

Roberto* and his family live in a rural village outside of Waspam, Nicaragua. They have no electricity or running water, and they are very poor. So, when Roberto lost his job, he lost all hope as well, and he began selling whatever he could find to buy alcohol to numb his depression.

Thanks to Partners like you, one of Roberto’s neighbors received an audio Bible and began hosting a weekly listening group. He invited Roberto to attend.

Hearing the Good News of the Gospel for the first time in his native Miskito language changed Roberto’s life! He says, “When I heard God’s Word in my language . . . I felt peace in my heart.”

Roberto continued attending the audio Bible sessions and accepted Jesus as his Savior. Soon after, he was very excited to watch the JESUS Film in Miskito — twice. He shares, “I could understand the great love Jesus felt for us sinners.”

Now, with his own personal Miskito translation of the Bible in hand, Roberto feels God speaking and guiding him as he reads and says, “I’ve committed to be a better person, a better father, a better neighbor.”

Marta*, a 17-year-old girl from another village in Nicaragua, also received her first Miskito-language Bible recently. She shares, “This Bible is the best because I understand what God says to my heart. I want to be a faithful follower of Jesus.”

Nearly 1 billion people worldwide still do not have the Bible in their heart language. But through your support, more people in Central America and Mexico are able to draw near to God through His Word. Thank you for your faithfulness!

*Name changed for privacy

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