3 Blessings to Ask for This Father’s Day
You can use these three Scripture passages to inspire your prayers for courage, wisdom, and steadfastness
This Father’s Day, you might be expecting gifts like the usual neckties, power tools, and hand-drawn cards from your children and grandchildren. The Bible also invites you to ask your heavenly Father for spiritual blessings that can help you grow in faith and fatherhood.
As a dad, you know that fatherhood is full of ups and downs. In the past year, you may have experienced more of the downs as you struggled to keep your family rooted in God’s Word. New research shows that thousands of other American parents feel the same way. Now more than ever, you might be feeling the need for extra help from God to guide your family in knowing and loving him.
In his Word, God describes himself as a good Father. And, like all good fathers, he desires to bless his children with gifts that will help them grow in their faith and walk with him:
“Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!”
Matthew 7:9-11 GNT
So, this Father’s Day, pause and ask God for three blessings promised to you in his Word.
Ask for courage.
When your kids look at you, they might see a fearless superhero or brave knight from their favorite TV shows. What they probably don’t see are the many times you feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and afraid. You worry about your family. You stress about your kids. You struggle to balance your responsibilities. And you feel helpless when unexpected trials enter your family’s life.
The Bible tells us that our heavenly Father knows our fearful hearts. He sees everything that causes you to feel afraid. And he reminds you that, in him, you have a reason to be courageous. God invites you to ask him for courage and strength, and he reminds you that he is always ready to help you.
“Do not be afraid—I am with you!
I am your God—let nothing terrify you!
I will make you strong and help you;
I will protect you and save you.”Isaiah 41:10 GNT
Ask for wisdom.
As a dad, you mediate fights between your children. You help your daughter choose an extracurricular activity for the summer. You guide your son in declaring his college major. All these moments require wisdom—but you often face challenges that feel like they require wisdom you just don’t have. You and your wife debate whether to move your family across the country for a new job. You support your child through a painful breakup. You have conversation after conversation with a child who is walking away from their faith—but nothing seems to change.
From small decisions to life-changing choices, God’s wisdom is sufficient to guide us. The Bible tells us that knowing God is the beginning of wisdom. We also learn that this heavenly wisdom leads us to do good deeds for our family and for others. God encourages you to ask for his wisdom, which is overflowing with compassion and peace.
The wisdom from above is pure first of all; it is also peaceful, gentle, and friendly; it is full of compassion and produces a harvest of good deeds; it is free from prejudice and hypocrisy.
James 3:17 GNT
Ask for steadfastness.
As you seek to be a faithful father, you may face days when you feel disheartened. In your hardest moments, you might wonder if your children will remember the lessons and values that you’re trying to teach them from God’s Word.
God calls us to be steadfast in our faith—even when it’s hard. Fatherhood is one of the longest commitments you’ll ever make in your life. But it’s also an opportunity to serve God and teach your children about him. So, keep reading Scripture with your children. Keep teaching them how to pray. Keep answering their questions about God. And keep asking God for the blessings he promises to give. Ask God to help you remain steadfast in your faith and fatherhood, trusting that the time and effort you commit to raising your children to know and love their heavenly Father is not in vain.
Stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord’s service is ever useless.
1 Corinthians 15:58 GNT
Happy Father’s Day from American Bible Society! Download this free prayer guide with key Scripture verses that help inspire prayer during difficult moments. We pray that God blesses you through this resource!

Elisabeth Trefsgar
Elisabeth Trefsgar is a content specialist for American Bible Society. She has made a home in New Jersey and Sofia, Bulgaria, and is always on the lookout for the next adventure. She is passionate about seeing communities around the world flourish through the power of God's Word and the efforts of the local church. When she isn't writing, you can find her reading good stories, photographing local sights, and spending time with friends.
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