A miracle story of a Muslim village turning to Christ.

Pastor Thomas* is originally from West Africa and now lives in the United States. Last year, when he heard God’s Word in his heart language for the first time on an audio Bible provided by Bible Society partners, he was thrilled — and inspired. He immediately made plans to take as many audio Bibles as possible to West Africa.
On his first trip, he met with Kumba*, a local evangelist eager to share the Good News of Jesus with people living in remote regions. Kumba
gratefully received some of the audio Bibles and began walking from village to village carrying a heavy amplifier on his head to broadcast the message loudly. But when he approached a certain Muslim village, he was abruptly turned away.
When Pastor Thomas returned a couple of months later, he brought Kumba a JESUS Film projector backpack to increase the effectiveness of his evangelism. As soon as he heard about the village that turned Kumba away, he replied, “We are going. That’s where the Gospel needs to be
preached in their heart language.” It was a long and dangerous trip back to that village, and the two men met with the same hostility as before. But when Pastor Thomas gave the chief an audio Bible of his own, things began to change rather miraculously.
The chief shared that he liked the audio Bible because “it is truth.” He granted permission for Pastor Thomas to show the JESUS Film in the village. The entire community loved the movie. Then, the chief and village elders offered Pastor Thomas and Kumba some land to build the first-ever Christian church in the area!
Many households in the village contributed money to help build the new church. It was completed in December 2023. The community attended the inaugural service and watched the JESUS Film again. Afterward, the entire church stood up to pray and commit their lives to Christ. In their midst, a man who had been injured and was barely able to walk was healed! For the time being, there is no permanent pastor for the new church, so the villagers gather for services each week and listen to God’s Word through the audio Bible, which they describe as “their pastor.” Hearing how God is moving, people from surrounding villages have begun to ask, “When are you bringing a church to our village?”
Because of your generosity, people worldwide are watching the JESUS Film and receiving audio Bibles in their heart language so they can come to know Jesus and spend eternity with Him.
*Name changed for privacy
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