Celebrating Bible Champions This Black History Month

February 03, 2021

In celebration of Black History Month, American Bible Society honors Black Americans who have brought…

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75 Years of Sharing God’s Word with a World in Need

February 02, 2021 | Nena Podbury

Through crisis and disaster, millions of people have been comforted by God’s Word thanks…

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Filed in: Prayer Request, International, Translation

The Prayer Snapshot: “New Year New Hope”

January 29, 2021 | Nena Podbury

In Ezekiel 37 God asks, “Ezekiel, son of man, can these bones come back to life?” …

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Filed in: Prayer Request, International, Church Communities, Prayer Snapshot

New Bible Translation for Namibia’s Khoekhoegowab Speakers

January 26, 2021 | Nena Podbury

There is great joy in Namibia. In late 2020, Khoekhoegowab speakers – the second largest indigenous language…

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Filed in: International, Translation

The Devastating Effects of Covid-19 on the Persecuted Church

January 21, 2021 | Nena Podbury

More than 340 million Christians- that’s 1 in 8- face high levels of persecution and discrimination…

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Filed in: Prayer Request, International, Church Communities

Behind the Scenes of the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center

January 19, 2021 | Nena Podbury

An empty space. That’s what it was just four short years ago. But God…

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Filed in: U.S., Prayer for Faith and Liberty Discovery Center

Pursuing the Unity of God in Today’s Fractured World

January 15, 2021 | Phil Monroe| Moriah Hall

The Scriptures paint beautiful images of God’s people from every tribe and nation joining…

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Filed in: United States

America’s Best Hope: The Bible

January 12, 2021 | Robert Briggs

The riot at the U.S. Capitol last week was a terrible tragedy, and it…

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Filed in: Press Releases, U.S.

New App Shares the Bible’s Message of Hope with the World

January 12, 2021 | Nena Podbury

Thank you for praying for people around the world to engage God’s Word via…

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Filed in: International, Church Communities

Please Pray: How to Repair Racial Divides in America

January 11, 2021 | Nena Podbury

For generations black Americans have endured a breach of their human rights. They have been…

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Filed in: U.S., Church Communities