How to Lead New Moms in Scripture Engagement

August 01, 2017 | Rachel Dawn Hayes

No matter who she talks to, no matter how many books and blogs she reads,…

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Filed in: Spiritual Well-being, Spiritual Disciplines, Work

Pray for United Bible Reading Movement in Phoenix’s Hispanic Churches

July 25, 2017 | Nena Podbury

Hispanic church leaders in Phoenix recently came together to listen, share, and discuss how their…

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Filed in: Prayer Request, U.S., Church Communities

How to Talk About the Bible on Social Media

July 25, 2017 | Gena Thomas

“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” (John 1:14 MSG). Who is…

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Filed in: Practical Ideas, Spiritual Disciplines

Pray for Spiritual and Emotional Healing for Children in the Sahel

July 18, 2017 | Nena Podbury

Nine-year-old Moussa lies awake in his bed, his heart pounding heavily and his palms sweating…

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Filed in: Prayer Request, International, Trauma Healing

How to Help People Read and Understand the Bible for Themselves

July 18, 2017 | Dr. Kristen Guillory

I grew up in the church, but when it came to the Bible I didn’…

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Filed in: Leadership Resources, Practical Ideas

Pray for One Million Bibles for the Church in Cuba

July 11, 2017 | Nena Podbury

In 2 Corinthians 9:8, the apostle Paul delivers this message to the church in Corinth: “God can…

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Filed in: Prayer Request, International, Church Communities

New Moms: How to Lead Others in Scripture Engagement

July 11, 2017 | Rachel Dawn Hayes

People warned me that the years spent parenting my young children would be the most…

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Filed in: Busyness, Kids and Parenting

African-Americans Lead in Bible Engagement and Beliefs

July 11, 2017

PHILADELPHIA, July 11, 2017—The results of the latest State of the Bible survey by American…

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Filed in: Press Releases

How to Interpret the Bible Like a Pro

July 06, 2017 | John D. Barry

I once asked legendary Bible scholar Brevard S. Childs to describe his method for interpreting…

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Filed in: Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Disciplines, Practical Ideas

6 Quotes About the Bible from the Founding Fathers

July 04, 2017

Happy Independence Day! From the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the Civil Rights…

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Filed in: Seasonal, Holidays, Holidays and Observances