God’s Word for Unreached People

You can reach longing hearts around the world with the life-changing message of the Bible

But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed?

Romans 10:14 GNT

Can you imagine your world without the Bible?

Imagine facing the uncertainty of each day without the confidence of salvation in Jesus Christ. Imagine navigating heartache and tragedy without words that truly comfort. Imagine being unsure if God loves you—or cares about you at all.

Around the world, millions of unreached people are living without God’s Word. Some are separated from the Bible by barriers like poverty, illiteracy, or persecution. Others don’t have a single word of Scripture in their heart language.

For these people, God seems silent. But you can reach the unreached with the Bible’s message of hope and salvation.


Solomon* doesn’t need to imagine a world without the Bible. He can clearly remember what his life was like before God’s Word broke into his heart.

“I was involved in all kinds of vices,” he admits. “I was deeply into alcoholism, smoking, and fighting. I was a notorious man, and everybody knew me, but not for any good reason.”

Then, an audio Bible listening program arrived in Solomon’s village in Nigeria. At first, he had no plans to join. But curiosity got the better of him, and Solomon finally heard God speak to him through the Bible.

“The Word of God started to have some positive impact on me,” he says. “The people in the community started seeing the changes and began to ask what happened to me.”


Duong* felt alone. As a Deaf man, he couldn’t communicate with most people. He struggled to trust anyone. And there were no comforting words from God in his heart language of Hanoi Sign Language.

While he felt isolated, Duong’s experience is shared by Deaf people around the world. There are more than 400 sign languages, but only one has the complete Bible. An estimated eighty percent of Deaf people cannot read or write, making printed Bibles impossible to understand. Without Scripture translated into the visual hand motions and facial expressions of sign languages, most Deaf people will never be able to grasp God’s love for them.

For Duong and his community, everything changed when portions of a Hanoi Sign Language video Bible were completed. Finally, they could learn about Jesus. Finally, they could understand God’s Word!

“We were in darkness, but the translation of the Bible into sign language has helped to lead us into the light,” he says.


But Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.’”
Matthew 4:4 GNT

Once separated from God’s Word, Solomon and Duong now live in a world with the Bible, thanks to the support of faithful believers like you. But there are millions more like them, still waiting for the words of life.

For many people like Solomon, God’s Word is unavailable due to poverty, illiteracy, or persecution. Entire communities are unable to experience God’s love for them. Those who do not believe in Jesus are living in spiritual darkness. And, without the Bible, your brothers and sisters in Christ are struggling to grow in their faith or share their hope with their neighbors.

For tens of millions of people like Duong, the complete Bible has not yet been translated into their heart language. To many of them, God is still silent. And, today, people are living—and dying—without ever hearing the name of Jesus Christ.

In the Bible, Jesus tells us that we cannot live on bread alone. We were created to live in the full knowledge of God’s goodness and love, which is communicated to us through God’s Word. And, where people still haven’t experienced that Word, God calls us to go (Matthew 28:19-20).

That’s why, since 1816, American Bible Society has partnered with Christians like you to provide God’s Word to every person in the language and format they need to understand the gospel.

Through your prayer and financial support, you help us reach the ends of the earth with the good news. Where there is poverty, you help people who could never afford a Bible experience God’s Word for the first time. Where there are forgotten people groups, you help provide the unique formats they need to understand Scripture. And, where God’s Word does not exist in a heart language, you support Bible translation and distribution, growing the church and spreading the gospel across the globe.

Today, there are still people who are living without the Bible. But tomorrow, you can change the lives of people like Solomon and Duong through Scripture and move us closer to the day when there are no more people unreached by God’s Word.

Give now to reach waiting hearts with the life-changing message of the Bible!

*Names changed for privacy

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Elisabeth Trefsgar
Elisabeth Trefsgar

Elisabeth Trefsgar is a content specialist for American Bible Society. She has made a home in New Jersey and Sofia, Bulgaria, and is always on the lookout for the next adventure. She is passionate about seeing communities around the world flourish through the power of God's Word and the efforts of the local church. When she isn't writing, you can find her reading good stories, photographing local sights, and spending time with friends.

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