Where He Leads

December 13, 1901 | Liz Smith

Elizabeth and William Sedat with their four children. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Sedat”...and him…

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Filed In: Record Central America Marriage missionaries women Face to Face Record Fall 2007 Issue Liz Smith

Back to the Future

December 13, 1901 | Liz Smith

Dr. Lamar Vest is the former presiding bishop of the Church of God. Photo by…

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Filed In: Record Global Scripture Ministries Q&A Face to Face Record Fall 2007 Issue Liz Smith

In Good Hands

December 13, 1901 | David Singer

Lotus Harris was adopted as a baby by a Christian missionary in India. Today, she…

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Filed In: Record India miracles missionaries orphans Planned Giving women Face to Face Record Winter 2008 Issue David Singer

Called to Serve

December 13, 1901 | Liz Smith

Rev. Emilio A. Reyes stands with former Yankee Bernie Williams, who was honored for promoting…

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Filed In: Record Q&A Face to Face Record Winter 2008 Issue Liz Smith

Winter 2008 - President’s Message

December 13, 1901

In early October, we were deeply saddened to learn of the murder of one of…

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Filed In: Record Record Winter 2008 Issue

In Memoriam - Spring/Summer 2008

December 13, 1901

Mrs. Ruth Stafford Peale. Photo courtesy of GuidepostsHerbert and Rebecca Beardslee Given by Mr. and…

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Filed In: Record memoriam Record Spring/Summer 2008 Issue

Heaven and Earth

December 13, 1901

Photo courtesy of NASA”He named the land ‘Earth,’ and the water which had come…

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Filed In: Record Astronaut creation Frank Borman Genesis In the USA space technology United States USA Record Fall 2007 Issue

Tell Every Nation

December 13, 1901 | Jason Anthony

Sri Lanka. Photo by Rune HansenA small group of Bible translators gathers in a remote…

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Filed In: Record Around the World Translation New Resources Native Americans Lakota heart language Great Commission Bible Translation Record Fall 2007 Issue Jason Anthony

Voices from the Military

December 13, 1901

Colonel Cheryl AdamsServed in Iraq in 2005“Reading the Scriptures kept me grounded. I…

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Filed In: Military United States USA

National Update—Fall 2008

December 13, 1901

Lonnie ‘Bo’ Pilgrim (right) receives an award from ABS officer Simon Barnes. Photo by Charlie…

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Filed In: Arts and Media In the USA missionaries New Resources USA