The Meaning of the Transfiguration

October 07, 2008

What is the full meaning of the transfiguration? Is it related to John 17, when Jesus…

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Filed In: Q&A Bible Q&A

Presidential Wisdom

October 07, 2008

Since the earliest days of the United States, those charged with leading the nation have…

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Filed In: Record ABS history In the USA United States USA Record Winter 2008 Issue

What is the Tetramorph?

October 07, 2008

One illustration in the American Bible Society’s Learning Bible shows an unusual rendering…

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Filed In:

Quiet Time

October 06, 2008

October 2008 - Let Your Light Shine and Pursue Peace and JusticeWednesday, October 1st - Job 34.…

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Filed In: In the USA

The Book of Jashar: A Missing Book?

October 06, 2008

There is mention of the Book of Jashar in the Old Testament. Is this a…

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Filed In: Record Q&A Bible Q&A Record Fall 2007 Issue

The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved

October 06, 2008

The words “the disciple whom Jesus loved” in John's…

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Filed In: Record Q&A Bible Q&A Record Winter 2008 Issue

Unstoppable Love

October 06, 2008 | Liz Smith

Across the region where Christ proclaimed his message and was resurrected, the Word is taking…

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Filed In: Record Middle East Around the World Record Spring/Summer 2008 Issue Liz Smith

More Than One Mary?

October 06, 2008

There seem to be a lot of Marys in the accounts of the Resurrection. Who…

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Filed In: Record Q&A Bible Q&A Record Spring/Summer 2008 Issue

A Child's Faith

October 06, 2008 | David Singer

Photo by David SingerThe party for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is coming to a close…

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Filed In: Record Around the World Translation Read and Learn Bible distribution Children Record Winter 2008 Issue David Singer

Cremation and the Bible?

October 06, 2008

What does Scripture say about cremation?—Ms. P. L. WidnerNo preferred method of burial is…

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Filed In: Q&A Bible Q&A