Centuries of God's Word Ignite Wonder

September 29, 2009

Amy Grant visits the Rare Scriptures collection at Bible House“Thy word is…

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Filed In: Record ABS history In the USA North America Record Fall 2009 Issue

In Memoriam - Fall 2009

September 27, 2009

Alice Ball. Photo by Benjamin Leaman The American Bible Society celebrates the life and mourns…

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Filed In: Record memoriam Face to Face Record Fall 2009 Issue

New Relevance for Timeless Words

September 27, 2009 | Andy Crouch

Andy Crouch. Photo by Courtney Brooke“The Bible” as we know…

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Filed In: Record Arts and Media Audio Scripture Bible distribution Bible printing digital In the USA technology United States Record Fall 2009 Issue Andy Crouch

Quiet Time

September 27, 2009

Receive Daily E-mail DevotionalsSign Up Here October 2009 - Called to be Free to Work for…

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Filed In: Record In the USA Record Fall 2009 Issue

A View from the Summit

September 27, 2009 | Liz Smith

Rwandan worship leader, Jean Paul Samputu, at left, and traditional drummers performed at the Global…

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Filed In: Record Africa Australia/Oceania Bible Society of Brazil Brazil Brazilian Bible Society Central America distribution Trauma Healing In the USA literacy Loss Middle East persecution refugees war Around the World Record Fall 2009 Issue Liz Smith

Please Pray

September 27, 2009

Angola Thank God for the peace that now prevails. Praise him for the donors who…

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Filed In: Record Record Fall 2009 Issue

The Message Behind the Music

September 27, 2009

Rojo promotes La Biblia Es Mi Guía on tour Rojo’s lead singer…

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Filed In: Record Record Fall 2009 Issue

Civil War Bible

September 27, 2009

You have a pocket New Testament, which was developed by the American Bible Society, for…

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Filed In: Record Record Fall 2009 Issue


September 27, 2009

Ezekiel is the priest and prophet to whom is attributed the Old Testament book by…

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Filed In: Record Record Fall 2009 Issue

Are Mica and Micah the same person?

September 27, 2009

Mica, a son of Mephibosheth and the grandson of Jonathan, Saul’s son (2 Samuel 9.12),…

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Filed In: Record Record Fall 2009 Issue