Changing Lives for Eternity through the Bible

January 01, 2024

Last year, our generous friends helped the Bible Society global network distribute 166.4 million Bibles and…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Global Scripture Ministries

“The Audio Bible Was a Great Comfort.”

December 06, 2023

Every day in the Arabian Gulf, migrant workers must endure awful, life-threatening working conditions — Mahesh*…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Middle East Testimonial

He Saw a Bright Light Coming from the Bible…

December 05, 2023

When Arman* was in prison, he learned divination from his cellmate. Once his sentence ended,…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Middle East Testimonial

His Greatest Treasure: A Bible of His Own!

December 04, 2023

As a traditional Buddhist, when Wonli* became seriously ill and couldn’t afford medical care,…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive China Testimonial

One Million Bibles for Africa!

December 03, 2023

“These New Testaments are an answered prayer for my church planting efforts. The residents we…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Africa

“This Bible is more important. Food can wait.”

December 02, 2023

When Pavlo* and his wife, Veronika*, saw a team from the Bible Society along with…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Europe

“The Bible I Received was Pivotal in Me Accepting Jesus Christ!”

December 01, 2023

Before beginning his military career, William Morris* was a New York City public school teacher.…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Military Testimonial

God’s Word Is Changing Lives and Eternities in Cameroon!

November 06, 2023

Many people in Cameroon still long to know God through His Word, but due to…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Africa

“They Love These Bibles! “

November 05, 2023

Military life is tough. From boot camp to deployment to returning home as a Veteran —…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Military

“My Life Is Changed Forever.”

November 04, 2023

The transition from civilian life to a military environment is very difficult, and new recruits…

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Filed In: Online Exclusive Military